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14 Day Fast

  • Date: Jan 10-24
This Year We Take New Ground!

As a church family, we are entering a holy moment in the story of our lives. We have been sacrificing and building a new campus, a larger platform, believing it will yield more good for God’s glory.

Monday, January 10th, we begin a 14 day fast as a church family. Let us take these 14 days to prepare for what God has in store for us in this upcoming year.

Fasting is the voluntary surrender of something we need or love to remind us that we need and love Jesus more. Prepare by asking God what you should surrender during this fast.

Text “FAST” to (817) 587 -1907 for more info!

Find Your Purpose While Fasting

Below are biblical examples of how fasting has a purpose!

Strengthening prayer – Ezra 8:23; Joel 2:13; Acts 13:3

Seeking God’s guidance – Judges 20:26; Acts 14:23

Expressing grief – 1 Samuel 31:13; 2 Samuel 1:11–12

Seeking deliverance or protection – 2 Chronicles 20:3–4; Ezra 8:21–23

Expressing repentance and returning to God – 1 Samuel 7:6; Jonah 3:5–8

Humbling oneself before God – 1 Kings 21:27–29; Psalm 35:13

Expressing concern for the work of God – Nehemiah 1:3–4; Daniel 9:3

Ministering to the needs of others – Isaiah 58:3–7

Overcoming temptation and dedicating yourself to God – Matthew 4:1–11

Expressing love and worship to God – Luke 2:37

Resource: Donald Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life