Service Times
  • Sunday - 8:30am
  • Sunday - 10:00am
  • Sunday - 11:30am
Who We Are

Life opens up with

There’s so MUCH more than what you’re experiencing now.

We are Keystone Church, a church in Dallas/Ft. Worth that follows Jesus Christ as
Lord and joins God in the work He is doing today. We do this by loving God, loving others, and loving life.

At KEYSTONE, we believe in extreme freedom because we’re passionate about life and living it whole in all its fullness. It’s because of who we believe in—and that’s the very Life-giver Himself. Jesus. For it’s through Him we exist and for one reason alone—to build lives on His foundational truths that’ll see people living in the freedom of restored hope and purpose, just as He originally designed.

For people who want to overcome in life and experience greater freedom, Keystone Church is passionate about seeing lives transformed by building them on Jesus and the foundational truths of His Word. We share the gospel in ways people can relate to personally, there’s a connection that brings revelation, opening up their lives and setting them free.

The key to living with a whole lot more than what you’re experiencing now. And we just love that…


“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

John 10:10

Our Values


Jesus Changes Lives

Life change begins in a relationship with Jesus. We love seeing lives changed so much you might say we are addicted to life change! We are passionate! As a result, we steadfastly commit to help people encounter God, receive the gift of salvation and experience the purpose and freedom Jesus promises for those who put their trust in Him.


the bible is our truth

The Bible is God’s voice. In a world full of opinions, we choose to find our truth in God’s Word, the Bible. We believe the Bible is the authoritative, supernatural revelation of God Himself and God’s gift to guide those who love and seek Him. The Bible reveals God’s design for His Creation and shows us the way to live a life beyond what we could ask or imagine.



Anytime we gather together, God gives us unforgettable experiences as we praise and worship Him. God created worship and praise as an opportunity to connect intimately with Him. We sing loud because of what God has done, what God is doing and what we believe God will do in our lives as we stay close to Him!


WE’re in this together

You matter to God. You matter to us. We weren’t meant to live this life alone. God created the Church to be a family and we want this place to feel like home. Like any healthy family grows in size, the church was created to grow. As we grow larger our passion is that it’s not about our size, it’s about our spirit. We’re in this together!


We always bring our best

God calls us to love Him and to love others. One of the ways we love well is to BRING OUR BEST. Jesus brought His BEST for us! We are driven to bring our best for Him and others. As a result, we value hard work, creativity, beautiful spaces, and doing everything we do with EXCELLENCE.


we are serious about having fun

God is the creator and author of FUN. We believe God is a blast and the church should be too! We recognize that every good gift comes from God. We seek to enjoy God and His gifts His way as we create FUN environments that point us to the God who loves life!


passion drives us

Passion is not something that has to be pulled out of us. Rather, passion pours out! As God has loved us, we will love. As God has served us, we will serve. As God has generously given to us, we will generously give. We love God and His Church with PASSION. We embrace the mission from Jesus with PASSION.

Pastor Brandon and Susan

Brandon and Susan Thomas received a vision from God and launched Keystone Church in 2004. Meeting with a growing team in their home, they began an incredible journey that has impacted thousands. Their heart’s desire is to lead more people into a passionate relationship with Jesus. Brandon and his wife, Susan, founded Keystone Church in the fall of 2004. They began meeting in their home and quickly ran out of room. After just four weeks in their home, they moved to Hillwood Middle School. After experiencing rapid growth in the school, Brandon led Keystone to Think BIG and signed a lease on a furniture store that had gone out of business. The entire church joined together and gave generously of their time, hard work, and resources to prepare a place that anyone could experience the life-changing connection with God.

Brandon is our founding and Senior Pastor, and he has a deep love for God’s Word, sharing it with others, and leading the local church. Brandon holds a Master’s of Divinity Degree and a doctorate in church growth. His doctoral work, titled Connecting Postmodern People in Gated Communities to the Local Church, helped form the foundational principles of Keystone Church. And Brandon’s book, Soul Search is a must-read for any believer.

Brandon takes complex issues and presents them with unique insight. He shares the life-changing message of the Bible in creative, practical ways with humor and relevance. A young visionary leader, he’s constantly dreaming of ways Keystone can create environments that inspire others to celebrate life in Christ.

Some of his favorite things include sporting events, movies, trout fishing, golf, and family time.

Susan Thomas is a gifted teacher and leader, and she enthusiastically exercises these strengths at Keystone. A licensed counselor specializing in women and marriage, Susan holds a masters degree in counseling, a 20-year counseling practice, and even enjoys acting as a ‘counselor’s counselor’, speaking at various professional conferences.

In addition to teaching, leading and counseling, Susan has written extensively. Her women’s bible study curriculums have encouraged and inspired women all over America. Mostly recently she has started her own Podcast; Who’s Holding Match and co-authored A Legacy That Lasts with Brandon to help people discover God’s design for their family.

Brandon and Susan have been married since 1998, and they have three daughters and a son.


What We Believe

We believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there he shall come to judge the living and the dead.

We believe in the Holy Spirit; the holy church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting.

The Bible, as originally given, is the inspired and infallible Word of God. It is absolute truth and the supreme authority in all matters of belief and behavior.

We have built a
place to call home

We built a place to call home! This new church campus will be a gift to our city and a place where countless lives will be changed for generations to come. We have a spot for you!
1939 Keller Parkway
Keller, Texas 76248

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