Keystone Kids is home for your children birth through 6th grade
From weekend services to special events just for Kids, our Keystone Kids spaces are designed with your family in mind! We create fun, safe and creative experiences for your child to learn about Jesus and what it means to follow him in their life.
Click below to learn about all of the opportunities available for Keystone Kids!

Keystone Students is home for your student 7th through 12th grade!

From Wednesday Night services just for Students to special events like Student Camp, Keystone Students is committed to creating opportunities for your teenager to learn about Jesus and how following Him offers them their Best Life!
Click below to learn about all of the opportunities available for Keystone Students

Summer at Keystone means FUN and LIFE-CHANGE
At Keystone, our ministry doesn’t stop in the Summer… it AMPS UP! We have camps for grades 1st through Grad that give them the opportunity to encounter God where they are in fun and unique ways. CLICK BELOW to learn more about opportunities this summer.

We believe God has a plan for our families and His way is better! Below is a series of messages on God’s plan for the family.
Additional Resources

A Legacy that Lasts
by Brandon & Susan Thomas
Available on Amazon
A legacy can last forever. Will our faith make it to our kids andtofuture generations? There’s a constant tension between our culture and our biblical values. In A Legacy That Lasts, Brandon & Susan Thomas offer practical guidance, heartfelt stories, and biblical wisdom to help you navigate the challenges of parenting in today’s world

Who's Holding the Match?
A Podcast by Susan Thomas
Available on Apple Podcast & Spotify
We know matches can bring either illumination or destruction. In her new podcast, Who’s Holding the Match?, Susan dives into how these dual aspects can manifest in your life and shares how, through the power of Jesus, you can ignite meaningful change.