Service Times
  • Sunday - 8:30am
  • Sunday - 10:00am
  • Sunday - 11:30am

Keystone Church is committed to helping you realize God’s best for your family.

But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15


Keystone Church has a heart for families and we strive to create an environment where every member, from the youngest to the oldest, feels a sense of belonging and connection.

We offer tailored programs and events that cater to the diverse needs and interests of families, and provide a space where individuals of all ages can grow spiritually and personally.

At Keystone Church we recognize the unique challenges that families encounter in today’s  evolving world. We are committed to seeking God’s truth when facing the complexities of modern family life and finding his purpose when addressing contemporary issues such as finding rhythm in work and family life, navigating technology and social media, and fostering open communication within the family.

Our prayer is that Keystone Church would be a church where your family can find guidance, understanding, and a sense of community… a church your family would call HOME.



Summer Jam Grades 1-4
(Entering in the fall 2024)


Kids Camp Grades 3-6
(Entering in the fall 2024)


Student Camp Grades 7th-12th
(Entering in the fall 2024)


Additional Resources Coming Soon!

A Legacy that Lasts
by Brandon & Susan Thomas
Mother's Day

A legacy can last forever. Will our faith make it to our kids andtofuture generations? There’s a constant tension between our culture and our biblical values. In A Legacy That Lasts, Brandon & Susan Thomas offer practical guidance, heartfelt stories, and biblical wisdom to help you navigate the challenges of parenting in today’s world.

We are proud to have a special early book release available for Keystone Church on Mother’s Day so make plans to attend and grab your copy!

Who's Holding the Match?
A Podcast by Susan Thomas
Coming this Summer

This summer our own Susan Thomas will be premiering her podcast, Who’s Holding the Match. We know matches can bring either illumination or destruction. In this podcast, Susan will dive into how these dual aspects manifest in your life and share how, through the power of Jesus, you can ignite meaningful change.

XO Parenting Conference
August 2-3, 2024

Parenting isn’t easy and every stage brings another challenge.  No matter where you are on your parenting journey, This conference is for YOU!  Guest speakers will include Jimmy Evans, Dave & Ashley Willis, Nirup & Hannah Alfonse, Luis & Kristen Roman AND our own Brandon & Susan Thomas.

Special pricing is available for Keystone Church guests through May 12, so sign up TODAY!