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We are passionate about seeing lives transformed!
It all begins with Jesus. He is the Life-giver. And the life He gives is through a relationship with Him through faith in Him. Out of that relationship we build our lives on His foundational teachings given to us in the Bible.
We believe that Jesus
Without the resurrection there is no faith, Christianity, or any hope for the future. He rose from the dead, appeared to eyewitnesses, and is still at work today through the Holy Spirit. His resurrection isn’t just about our future, but the importance of our present life. “On earth as it is in Heaven” isn’t simply a habitual prayer, but becomes a legitimate reality.
We are not saved by our good deeds, nor do we have the ability to earn our way into Heaven. We are saved by the gracious act of Jesus being sent to die on a cross, resurrecting from the dead, and establishing His power and victory over sin.
He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, worked miracles and gave us an example to follow. He is fully God and fully man and now sits at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us.
Love isn’t simply an emotion, it’s an action first. All of us want to belong, feel accepted, and significant. If we truly understand the love and grace of Jesus, we will love ALL people and show them that there is no greater acceptance, sense of belonging, and significance than through the love of Jesus.
Faith in Jesus isn’t just a personal, private emotion or feeling. It is a transforming life change that should force us to share that faith with others. If the message of Jesus is true then our lives should outwardly show it to everyone who crosses our path throughout the metroplex and beyond. We aren’t here to idly sit by and complain about what is wrong with our city or this world, then hope that someone else will fix it. We are told to GO! Jesus can and will do great things through YOU and our community at Keystone!

If you are new to Keystone or wanting to learn about getting more connected, Keystone Unlocked is your most important next step. We have created a unique two-week opportunity for you to get involved and learn how to experience your best life within the spiritual family of Keystone.
Join us in person for Week One to learn more about our story culture, and meet our leaders, Pastor Brandon and Susan Thomas. Keystone Unlocked meets during the 11:30 service. Lunch and childcare are provided.
Take the next step to unlocking your life’s potential by registering for an upcoming class!

Baptism is the very first step a new believer takes when following Jesus.
Baptism is the outward expression of an inward decision to put your faith in Jesus. If you are at a place where you would like to be baptized and share with others the exciting things that God is doing in your life, sign up today!
If your child is interested in baptism, please register them for a KID FAITH class.
Why should I be baptized?
Baptism is Biblical. Throughout the New Testament you find this powerful symbol practiced by those who began the journey of following Christ. It is a sign of your relationship with Christ and a symbol of the power found through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Is baptism necessary for salvation?
Why should I be baptized by immersion?
At Keystone Church, we baptize by immersion because it is the clear method used in the Bible.
What about infant baptism?
We have many members who have been baptized as an infant. We celebrate their parent’s desire to place them in the path toward a relationship with God. We believe that infant baptism is different than believer’s baptism. We have our own version of infant dedication periodically throughout the year. Check out this YouTube clip for deeper understanding.
What if my child wants to be baptized?
If your child is interested in becoming a Christ Follower or in being baptized, our Kid Faith class is a great way for them to learn more about what that means. We love to help kids know how to begin this journey. Even if your child is just starting to ask questions about God, Kid Faith is for them! We want to help solidify and affirm a decision they may have already made, or walk a child through the life changing decision of becoming a Christ Follower. It is age appropriate, interactive, and creative in helping kids understand the basics of Christianity!
Kid Faith is designed for kids in grades 1-6 and will last approximately 45 minutes. Since the truths in this class are so important for kids to understand, Kid Faith is required for children before they are baptized at Keystone. A parent is asked to attend with their child.
RSVP your child for a KID FAITH class.
When should I be baptized?
The best opportunity for you to be baptized is at our next Baptism Celebration. Register for the next Baptism Celebration here.
We will also schedule a time for you to be baptized at your convenience.
I still have questions about Baptism
We would love to talk to you.
Email [email protected] with any questions or call the church office at (817) 431-8800.

You were not designed to walk through life alone
Our desire is for you to find lasting community at Keystone. Groups allow you to meet people in your area to connect with and form real relationships.
These groups are designed to not only give everyone a place to belong and be cared for, but also a place to be encouraged and strengthened in their journey with Jesus.
Being a part of a Group is a great chance to meet people, build community and develop lasting relationships with others you can do life with.
We are in this together….so join a group today!
Please email [email protected]
with any specific questions

God calls us to serve one another and serving leads to life-change.
Your involvement at Keystone Church matters because serving makes a difference. The opportunities listed below describe many of the options to be a part of a life change. Share your interest in serving with the teams below today!