Service Times
  • Sunday - 8:30am
  • Sunday - 10:00am
  • Sunday - 11:30am

Gifted for the Mission

  • Date: March 10, 2024
  • Series: Gifted

In a powerful sermon from the series “Gifted,” Ryan Fontenot helps us uncover how we’re uniquely equipped to impact the world for Christ.

Acts 1:8

We are Gifted to Shine the Light

Matthew 5:14-16

**Shine by Attitude, Attention, Affection, and Action:** Discover how our inner thoughts, focus, loves, and deeds can radiate Christ’s light, influencing those around us through the integrity of our lives.

We are Gifted to Share our Story

John 4:39

**Share Your Story:** Your personal encounter with Christ is powerful. From life before knowing Jesus, to meeting Him, and the transformative aftermath—your story is a powerful testament to God’s love and grace.

We are Gifted to Speak the Gospel

Mark 16:15

**Speak the Gospel:** Learn the essence of the Gospel message—God’s love, our separation by sin, Jesus’ saving grace, and the decision we all face. This sermon equips you to share these truths clearly and confidently, making eternal differences in listeners’ lives.

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