Service Times
  • Sunday - 8:30am
  • Sunday - 10:00am
  • Sunday - 11:30am


All her life, Katie has been led by the desire to be known. A child of divorce, she was left with an uncertainty of her worth and place in society.

All her life, Katie has been led by the desire to be known. A child of divorce, she was left with an uncertainty of her worth and place in society. She made an attempt at knowing God, but instead of hearing His voice, her mother’s took over and filled her with enough doubt that she shied away from pursuing Him further.

Katie curled up inside herself, closed herself off and hid her wounds from the outside world. Being an emotional shut-in didn’t help her insecurities as classmates confirmed some of her worst beliefs about herself. “You should kill yourself, you’re nothing, why don’t you just give up?”

Those cutting words led her to begin cutting her own flesh, and when that wasn’t enough, she turned to try and find security and love in the arms of guys around her, but they always left her heart bleeding, just like her flesh. Anger festered like an infection inside of her.

Her decisions went from bad to worse, and she ended up in court, facing a potential felony charge. Her life was starting to look as dramatic as a prime-time TV show.

Once again, she cried out to God, hoping this time He’d be loud, and that there would be no doubt of His nature. In a miraculous turnaround, the courts decided to give Katie a second chance, a precious metaphor of God’s mercy and grace that knows no limits.

God’s redeemed Katie’s life, and now she leads us in worship, at Students, camp, and on weekends. She’s been able to repair the relationship with her dad, something she never dreamed would happen. Now they attend Keystone together along with the DA who gave her a break.

Katie is now walking in the incredible blessing of her true value as God’s beloved daughter, and now she knows, her life has been unlocked!



See the Stories of hearts and lives unlocked by God’s amazing grace.

Ryan & Lindsay

Ryan and Lindsay Calkins were a God-fearing, beautiful couple seemingly living out their dream life. Read More


Eleanor learned that, contrary to popular opinion, the road marked with suffering is never one we walk alone. Read More


Caught up in the unsatisfying world of drugs and money, Jeremiah Sala was as lost as he’d ever been. Read More


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